CDL - Create Designs Ltd
CDL stands for Create Designs Ltd
Here you will find, what does CDL stand for in Marketing under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Create Designs Ltd? Create Designs Ltd can be abbreviated as CDL What does CDL stand for? CDL stands for Create Designs Ltd. What does Create Designs Ltd mean?The Marketing company falls under marketing and advertising category and is located in Fleet, Hampshire.
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Alternative definitions of CDL
- CAD language file (CADKey)
- Candle, Alaska USA
- Center Driving Lane
- California Digital Library
- Commercial Driver License
- Commercial Driver's License
- Commercial Drivers License
- Commercial Drivers License
View 200 other definitions of CDL on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- CLM Custom Legal Marketing
- CGM Cutaway Guitar Magazine
- CC The Culture Company
- CKG Comfort Keepers of Greenville
- CBM Core Building Materials
- CCR Copper Cellar Restaurant
- CCS Christ Community School
- CPM Crowne Plaza Melbourne
- CDPP Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions
- CHHC Carolina Home Health Care
- CC The Core Company
- CHA Comfort Health Assistance
- CHPT Church Hill Physical Therapy
- CMP Carmel Medical Practice
- CTUK City Transfers UK
- CESL Customer Engagement Services Ltd
- CIMSA Celebrity International Movers S.A.
- CDA Concept Deco Argentina
- CNS Crystal Network Solutions